Intersectionality and No Regrets

The issue is Intersectionality and the solution is a No Regrets Strategy, which means that you don’t regret the choice you make because at least some of the bases are covered.

After filling in the blanks of the Venn diagram:

Quick YT explainer of No Regrets

Interesting to ask GPT-4 what No Regrets means in the context of the earth, i.e.

What does the “No Regrets Strategy” mean in terms of mitigating climate change, fossil fuel depletion, and air pollution?

The “No Regrets Strategy” in the context of climate change mitigation, fossil fuel depletion, and air pollution refers to a set of policies, measures, and actions that provide multiple benefits, regardless of the uncertainties associated with the future development of these issues. These measures are seen as advantageous and worthwhile, even if the worst predictions of climate change, fossil fuel depletion, or air pollution do not materialize.

The No Regrets Strategy typically includes:

  1. Energy efficiency improvements: By improving energy efficiency, we can reduce energy consumption, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and lower air pollution. These improvements have economic benefits, as they lead to cost savings for businesses and consumers.
  2. Renewable energy development: Investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro, helps to diversify energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. This transition also has the potential to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth.
  3. Afforestation and reforestation: Planting trees and restoring forests can help to sequester carbon dioxide, enhance biodiversity, and improve air and water quality. This strategy also helps to protect ecosystems and provides valuable recreational spaces for communities.
  4. Sustainable transportation: Encouraging public transportation, walking, cycling, and the use of electric vehicles reduces fossil fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. These measures can also help to alleviate traffic congestion and improve public health.
  5. Waste reduction and recycling: Reducing waste generation and promoting recycling conserves resources, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and lowers air and water pollution. These actions can also create jobs and generate economic benefits.

By implementing these no-regrets measures, societies can mitigate climate change, reduce fossil fuel dependence, and improve air quality, while also realizing economic, social, and environmental benefits.

The bible of the No Regrets Strategy is Mathematical GeoEnergy

PostScript:Don’t know if this is the intent but this cartoon sums up the No Regrets strategy perfectly

Peak Oil Barrel

The first part of our book Mathematical GeoEnergy deals with the mathematics behind the depletion of fossil fuels, and specifically crude oil. One of the co-authors, Dennis, helps maintain and moderate the Peak Oil Barrel blog. Recently, Dennis posted a blog entry on Oil Shock model scenarios, which is based partly on the mathematics described in Chapter 5 (and elsewhere in the book, as the shock model is a fundamental aspect of modeling oil depletion).

There’s lots of commentary on the POB blog, including climate science topics on the Non-Petroleum comment threads, so worthwhile to have it bookmarked.